Monday, July 27, 2015

Fuel Pulls!!! Oh! Fuel Pulls!!!

I ate a Fuel Pull for lunch today. Oh my word! I get hungry so quickly after eating a FP. My body is like, "Why?!??? For the love of food, why would you make me work so hard?" 

And then I remember what I read in the book. When I eat Fuel Pulls, it forces my body to "pull" fuel from my ... ample rear end...stored supply of fuel. I have nothing too energetic to do this afternoon.  I figured I might as well force my body to work a bit harder for me today. 

That being said, for me, I don't do FP's very often. It takes me back to my low cal, low fat, low fun days of dieting and the spoiled THMer in me kicks at it. BRING ME MY BACON! lol! 

Knowing that I was doing a FP for lunch, I planned an awesome and filling E dinner (White meat from a roast chicken, roasted sweet potatoes and onions, and a salad) and 3 hours later, I plan on having a satisfying S snack. (Not sure what yet, but I promise you, it will include Lily's milk chocolate.) 

That's all folks! Just my thoughts on how today went. Hope yours was equally successful and you are happily eating yourself skinny! 



  1. Stacie, I'm thankful I found your blog! Will be following via email!

  2. Thank you! I just found your blog. Amazing loss. Really enjoying floolowing your blog.
