Tuesday, February 17, 2015

E - Sourdough Flatbread with Laughing Cow and Blueberries

E Breakfast - Homemade Sourdough Flatbread - spread with laughing cow cheese, and then broiled it to sweeten and burst some fresh blueberries! I also had a Fat Stripping blueberry Frappa.

E because:
1) This homemade sourdough is from Gwen's Nest blog. (Gwens-nest.com)  On her blog she explains that leaving the dough to ferment in the fridge for 3-7 days substantially lowers the carb content. It is Serene and Pearl approved. 2 slices = one serving. This f
latbread has less than 45g of carbs.
2) Less than 5g of fat
3) The low fat version of laughing cow cheese is great for adding a creaminess to E meals.
4) My protein source is in my blueberry Frappa.
5) Blueberries are E-xcellent!


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