Trim Healthy Momma

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Tuesday, February 17, 2015

E - Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal

E Breakfast - Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal, unsweetened almond milk, and a mug of green tea.

E Because: 
-There are less than 5g of fat in this meal.
- E setting are where you can enjoy a piece of fruit, like an apple, orange, 1 slice of melon etc. You can also have berries in liberal quantities in an E setting. - Keep oatmeal in an E setting. Don't buy the instant stuff. It breaks down too quickly in your system and will cause higher insulin levels. (Sugar spike) Instead, use steel cut, or old fashioned oatmeal. It breaks down slowly and keeps your insulin levels stable.
- Unsweetened almond milk instead of regular milk (liquid sugar), also keeps your insulin levels stable.

S - Bacon and Eggs, Strawberries

S Breakfast - Two slices of bacon, two fried eggs, a small dish of strawberries.

This is an S because:
- There are less than 10g of carbs in this meal.
- I used whole eggs. (E's are egg whites only)
- Berries are the only fruit that are acceptable in an S setting.
- My protein source is my bacon and eggs.

S - Portobello Mushroom Pizza, Greek Salad

S Dinner or Lunch -Portobello Mushroom Pizza with a Greek Salad

S Because:
Non-Starch Vegetables - There are lots of veggies in this meal! Mushroom, red and yellow peppers, onions, tomatoes, cucumber, mixed greens.
Protein - My protein source is my pepperoni and my cheese.
Full Fat Dairy - I have feta and dressing on my salad and cheese on my pizza.
Carbs - There are less than 10g of carbs in this meal.

E - Chicken Fajita Pizza, Hot Sauce/Sour Cream Dip, Zevia

E Dinner - Chicken Fajita Pizza, Hot Sauce/Fat-free Sour Cream Dip, Zevia Pop

E because:
1) I used Gwen's Nest easy bread recipe earlier this week to make on plan sour dough bread. 2 Slices is one serving. I tried to make it the size of two sliced of bread. :)
2) I used just a wee sprinkle of reduced fat mozzarella cheese on the top of the pizza. This is acceptable in an E setting as long as I don't go ape bananas with the cheese. (I save that for S days!)
3) Lots of non-starchy veggies on the pizza, peppers, mushrooms, onions, green onions, tomatoes. (It says in the book to limit your tomato and onions, so that's what I did.)
4) The dip is fat-free. It's just fat-free sour cream with a dash of hot sauce mixed in.
5) The Pampered Chef recipe I was basing this on called for salsa. I didn't have any, so I just mixed chili powder/cumin/garlic powder into 1/8 cup of tomato sauce. Tah-dah! On plan and with a lot of the same flavor. I would have loved to all fresh cilantro, but I didn't have any.
6) Zevia, because it's on plan and you have to drink pop with your pizza on a Friday night! :D

E - Sourdough Flatbread with Laughing Cow and Blueberries

E Breakfast - Homemade Sourdough Flatbread - spread with laughing cow cheese, and then broiled it to sweeten and burst some fresh blueberries! I also had a Fat Stripping blueberry Frappa.

E because:
1) This homemade sourdough is from Gwen's Nest blog. (  On her blog she explains that leaving the dough to ferment in the fridge for 3-7 days substantially lowers the carb content. It is Serene and Pearl approved. 2 slices = one serving. This f
latbread has less than 45g of carbs.
2) Less than 5g of fat
3) The low fat version of laughing cow cheese is great for adding a creaminess to E meals.
4) My protein source is in my blueberry Frappa.
5) Blueberries are E-xcellent!

S - Taco Chicken Breast, Ranch Salad

S Dinner - Taco Chicken Breast, Ranch Salad, ice water.

S Because: 
1) There is less than 10g of carbs in this meal
2) I used full fat dairy sources in the sour cream, and cheese.

3) There is a healthy portion of protein with the chicken breast. (Yes there is one under there - I promise!) 
4) There are lots of non-starchy veggies in my salad, cucumbers, peppers, tomato, lettuce and green onion.
5) No sugary drink for this momma! 
6) I used a low carb dressing.