Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Why I Love THM

Why I Love THM:

Ok ladies, settle in. I am about to convert you into a Trim Healthy Momma! Brace yourself! LOL!

First of all, the pounds are melting off my body at a rate and consistency that boggles my mind. And the best part is, I honestly don't really feel like I'm "dieting".

I had nearly given up on my lower abdomen shrinking in size. My C-section scar left a fold over that I was pretty sure was there for life. However, after only 2 1/2 months on plan, my belly is disappearing! My fold over is getting to be less and less. I am starting to have hope that my flat tummy is going to reveal itself soon! My breasts now stick out further than my belly and my waist line is back! My double chin has now become a single chin. I swear my younger, trimmer self is coming back as the fat melts off.

The book explains things in a simple and entertaining way. The concept of separating your fats and carbs is so simple that it's hard to believe. I pick up the book at least once a day to find a recipe, to check the guidelines again, or just to stay motivated.

I feel better, healthier and more energetic. When I eat off plan foods, like sugar, white flour or chips, my body lets me know that it is NOT impressed. I get dizzy, light headed, and I feel kind of sick to my stomach. This is coming from a woman who used to have 2 tbsp of sugar in her coffee and have 1-2 donuts with it just for fun. My body was used to the abuse. Now, eating that way is just not worth it. My body is so used to having healthy, life giving foods that it rebels at anything else. It proves to me again and again that the healthy THM style of eating is what my body craves.

And, yes my friend, you can eat full fat dishes and lose weight. The meals I eat are so delicious and satisfying! What a break from my old, low-fat-no-fat-no-taste-no-butter-no-bacon-no-flavor-no-cheese-no-no-no-diets! There are tons of THM recipes floating around Pinterest. (If you don't have an account on Pinterest, scurry over there right away! It's an invaluable tool!)

I get to eat until I am satisfied. Did you hear that?!? No more measuring, counting points, or walking away from a meal still hungry. Now, at first, I thought that meant it was a feeding frenzied free for all. I soon realized that I don't need to stuff myself like it were my last supper. I serve up a healthy portion sized meal and dig in! I get to eat every three hours. I no longer feel the need to indulge in seconds right away. I know that if I want more, I just need to wait three hours for my body to burn off the 1st helping. Three hours later, I can have another helping. Let me make sure you understand this part... I am not starving myself! In fact, I feel like I am eating more, and more often than before I started THM.  I barely have time to get hungry. I feel like I am eating - a lot and often!

It is so easy to THM-ify your favorite family recipes. I have also found ways to transform my favorite foods into "on plan" foods. (For example, tacos, pizza, BLT's, chocolate etc)

You can follow this plan with just normal, everyday, grocery store items. It's just a matter of learning what items need to be combined and what items need to be kept apart. (Again, carbs and fats.) Although the book offers up suggestions on how to make things with obscure ingredients, you will find that most of my meals don't use weird ingredients. I'm not that adventurous! Haha!

Ok, there you have it! That, in a nutshell, is why I <3 THM! :D


  1. I am so happy to be able to follow your blog now. I have followed your posts to the THM Facebook page and love learning more about this way of eating. I enjoy the fact that you tell us what the meal type is and why it is that type. Thanks for all your hard work so that you can encourage us beginners.

    1. Thank you for your kind words! You are so welcome. I'm excited that you like the photo and explanations! :D

  2. Thank you for this post! I have been hesitant to begin this plan because of all the "weird" ingredients I see in so many of the recipes. I know I will not stick to a plan where I have to buy a bunch of expensive ingredients. Also, my body looks just like yours in that first photo, plus about ten more pounds probably. I can't tell you how inspiring it is to see your tummy disappear! I, too, had pretty much given up ever having it gone. Did you exercise too?

    1. I have never enjoyed a strict or scheduled exercise program. However, I do enjoy daily bursts of random movement. Tag with the kids, jumping on the trampoline with them, hiking, chasing the dog, swimming, etc.

      I am amazed at how flat my tummy is getting! I was feeling so hopeless about it before THM. It really does work, and it will work for you too, I'm sure! :D

    2. Thank you for responding! I hope it works for my tummy. I am older than you, but not quite menopausal yet, so I am holding out some hope. :)

  3. Stacie, you are such a gift to us all out here in Canada.I was beginning to wonder if anyone was doing this with normal food. I would love if you had information regarding what you sub for sugar, I use xyla. Also what do you use as a low carb option for wraps ? I have been doing this and not seeing the results, so I am going to eat what you eat for a few weeks and see what happens. I think I may not be eating enough, I was so afraid of fat for years and I may need to eat more. Thank you once again for sharing your story with us and tell your little boy that you might just get to Australia sooner than you think. I see a book on the horizon, photos and description of all your meals for those THMers who need your help. Blessings, Mary
