Tuesday, March 3, 2015

E - Veggie Egg White Omelet, Ezekiel Toast, Berries, Lean Turkey Bacon

E Breakfast - Veggie egg white omelet with a sprinkle of reduced fat mozzarella, 1 slice of Ezekiel toast with 1 tsp of butter, berries, fat free turkey bacon and green tea.

E Because:
1) There are less than 5g of fat in this meal. (1 tsp of butter and a sprinkle of reduced fat mozzarella)
2) There are above 20g but below 45g of carbs in this meal. I used sprouted bread called Ezekiel bread.
3) There are lots of non-starchy veggies in the omelet. (Tomato, red pepper, green pepper, spring onion)
4) My lean protein source is my turkey bacon.
5) I enjoy a cup of green tea with my breakfast, but you could have any fat free hot drink you choose.


  1. Are these your own recipes or they in the book and if so could you please list the page numbers ?

    1. Hi Terri - Some of them are just simple things like bacon, vegetable omelet, etc. There are no recipes for them, I just throw an omelet together. If the recipe if from the book, I tried to reference a page number. If I found the recipe on-line, I am in the process of posting a link to said recipe. :D It's a work in progress, but I am trying to eventually have everything linked! Thanks for your patience. :)
