Sunday, March 29, 2015

My Progress

 My latest before and after... 40 pounds lost!

My photo progress...

Here are my stats in greater detail:

January 2015 
Total Loss 10 Pounds

Starting weight - 216 pounds
Weight by the end of Jan - 207 pounds
Weight Lost in January - 9 pounds
Inches Lost in January - 6.5"

February 2015
Total Loss 19 Pounds

This is when I got serious about measuring and taking progress pictures. They are embarrassing and I would NEVER go out in public in this workout gear, but here you go my friends!

Weight by the end of Feb - 197 Pounds
Total Inches Lost by Feb 28th - 17 1/2"
Weight Lost in February - 9 Pounds
Inches Lost in February - 6.5"

March 2015
Total Loss 26 Pounds

Weight by the end of March - 190 pounds
Inches Lost in March: 9"
Amount of Weight Lost in March - 8 Pounds
Total Amount of Inches Lost So Far: 22"

April 2015
Total Loss - 32 Pounds
Weight by end of April - 184 pounds
Amount of Weight Lost in April - 6 Pounds

May 2015
Total Loss - 34 pounds
Weight by end of May - 181 pounds
Amount of weight lost in May - 3 pounds

Total Loss - 34 pounds
Weight by end of June - 181 pounds
Amount of weight lost in June - Zip, zero, nada. It was my own fault though. I was not eating 100% on plan. June is a crazy time for a music teacher, grads and concerts, competitions, exams and marking etc. But that is certainly not a valid  excuse! I read a quote that said, "Giving up on your goal  after a small setback is like slashing your other three tires because one is flat." So, I gave myself a swift kick in the rear end and.......


Total Loss - 40 pounds
Weight by the end of July - 174 pounds
Amount of weight lost in July - 7 pounds


  1. What an encouraging doable set of goals and great food! Thank you for taking the time to set up this blog!

  2. You are more than welcome! :D

  3. I've anxiously awaited your Blog! Congratulations!

    1. Thank you! It's a work in progress, but I'm excited to get it out there! :D

  4. Thank you for this wonderful blog! And congrats on your exciting progress😍

    1. I'm glad you like it!!!! And thank you, yes, progress is exciting! If I can do it, anyone can!!!!

  5. Your blog is encouraging. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Thanks so much for this encouraging post!! I'm just starting THM and your blog will be a wonderful resource! All the best!

  7. Stacie, thank you for this is so helpful...and congrats on your progress you look great! We were wondering if you had an exercise program that you did along with this life style of eating
    thanks, Rhonda
