Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Chicken, brown rice, orange pieces, red pepper and onion on a bed of spinach

 E Because:
1) This meal has less than 5 g of fat. The fat comes from the oil in the salad dressing.
2) there are between 20 and 45 g of carbs in this meal. I used three quarters of a cup of brown rice.

3) my protein source is my chicken breast.
4) there are lots of non-starchy vegetables in my salad.
5) One piece of fruit per meal is allowed in this setting. I chose an orange.
6) good girl moonshine is good anytime.

To make the salad dressing:
1 clove of minced garlic
salt and pepper
A 1/4 doonk of Stevia. (Not too much or it tastes bitter with the orange juice)
The juice squeezed from the orange peels. (I cut the top and bottom off the orange. Set it bottom down on the cutting board and cut curved slices from top to bottom to cut the peel away in the same way you would a pineapple. When you are done, you should have a round naked orange and some peel with some orange membrane still in it. Squeeze the peels into the dressing mixture.)
Add 1 tsp of olive oil to it.
Mix well. Tah-dah!

To Make the Chicken:
Cover the bottom of a baking dish with water. Place your thawed or frozen chicken breast in the dish. Cover. Bake at 350 for about 25-40 mins depending on your oven and if your meat is thawed or not. Chicken is done when you can cut into it and there is no pink inside.

To make Salad:
Place a bed of spinach on a plate.Top with cooked brown rice, chopped and cooked chicken, sliced red pepper, orange pieces and green onion. Pour the dressing over the top and enjoy! 


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