Trim Healthy Momma

Find many useful tools and links here, and get started on the journey to a new healthier you!

Recipes By Meal

Browse through many tempting photos to help with meanu planning!

Recipes By Type

Learn how to create low fat or low carb meals by reading the explaination with each photo!

Plan For Success

Follow a sample menu or read tips on how to create your own!


Follow along with myself and a few friends as we chart our progress and share our success stories!

Sunday, March 29, 2015

S- Buffalo Mozzarella Stuffed Chicken, Broccoli and Cauliflower Salad

S- Buffalo Mozzarella Stuffed Chicken, Broccoli and Cauliflower Salad

S Because:
1) There are less than 10g of carbs in this meal.
2) There are lots of healthy fats in this meal.
3) There is a great source of protein with the chicken and bacon
4) There are lots of non-starchy vegetables in this meal

My Progress

 My latest before and after... 40 pounds lost!

My photo progress...

Here are my stats in greater detail:

January 2015 
Total Loss 10 Pounds

Starting weight - 216 pounds
Weight by the end of Jan - 207 pounds
Weight Lost in January - 9 pounds
Inches Lost in January - 6.5"

February 2015
Total Loss 19 Pounds

This is when I got serious about measuring and taking progress pictures. They are embarrassing and I would NEVER go out in public in this workout gear, but here you go my friends!

Weight by the end of Feb - 197 Pounds
Total Inches Lost by Feb 28th - 17 1/2"
Weight Lost in February - 9 Pounds
Inches Lost in February - 6.5"

March 2015
Total Loss 26 Pounds

Weight by the end of March - 190 pounds
Inches Lost in March: 9"
Amount of Weight Lost in March - 8 Pounds
Total Amount of Inches Lost So Far: 22"

April 2015
Total Loss - 32 Pounds
Weight by end of April - 184 pounds
Amount of Weight Lost in April - 6 Pounds

May 2015
Total Loss - 34 pounds
Weight by end of May - 181 pounds
Amount of weight lost in May - 3 pounds

Total Loss - 34 pounds
Weight by end of June - 181 pounds
Amount of weight lost in June - Zip, zero, nada. It was my own fault though. I was not eating 100% on plan. June is a crazy time for a music teacher, grads and concerts, competitions, exams and marking etc. But that is certainly not a valid  excuse! I read a quote that said, "Giving up on your goal  after a small setback is like slashing your other three tires because one is flat." So, I gave myself a swift kick in the rear end and.......


Total Loss - 40 pounds
Weight by the end of July - 174 pounds
Amount of weight lost in July - 7 pounds

Grocery List

Grocery List to go with the One Week Menu Plan.

Please note that many of the items on this list are staples that you likely already have in your cupboard. I just didn't want to risk you getting half way through a recipe and be missing something as simple as lemon juice. Cross off items on this list that you already have.

Also, beside items that are used more than once, I will put which meal they go with to give you an idea of how much to buy.

I also buy reduced fat types of most dairy. I don't like the cost of buying both full fat for S meals and reduced fat for E meals. I used reduced fat for both S and E meals.

We eat a lot of chicken in this family as both my son and husband cannot digest red meat. If you would like to sub any S meals with beef or pork, feel free.

I use sugar free maple syrup sometimes. In the book, one sister uses it every  now and then. It is not something I would use more than once a week. If you are a purist, you can skip the syrup on your pancakes and just have the greek yogurt and berries.

Fresh Produce

Tomatoes (tacos, sandwiches, greek omelet, topping for Ezekiel bread)
Avocado (guacamole for tacos, inside the boat sandwiches)
Green Onion (tacos)
Sweet Potatoes (stuffed and baked, baked plain for a lunch)
Red Pepper (garden salad twice, greek salad, pizza, stirfry, greek omelet)
Cucumber (greek salad, ranch salad x2, with vinegar as a side dish)
Red Onion (garden salad, greek salad, pizza, stirfry, greek omelet)
Cauliflower (Pizza crust, stirfry)
Mushrooms (pizza topping, stirfry, chicken and mushroom dish, greek omelet, veggie omelet)
Broccoli (Stirfry, side dish)
Green Pepper (chili, greek omelet, pizza, garden salad, veggie omelet)
Sweet Onion (chili, veggie omelet)
Celery (Chili)
Spinach (orange and spinach salad, veggie omelet)
Ginger (one large hand sized piece for good girl moonshine concentrate
1 Large Navel Orange (Spinach salad)
Banana (1-2 for the baked oatmeal)
Berrries (I buy the largest size container of strawberries, two small packages of blue berries, and 1 small package of raspberries.)
 Iceberg Lettuce (tacos, garden ranch salads)
Romain Lettuce (Ceasar Salad, to make boats for sandwiches)


Provolone Cheese (hard taco shells for both taco's and as a sandwich shell)
Reduced Fat Sour Cream (tacos, served to dip your buffalo chicken in)
Reduced Fat Cheddar Cheese (tacos, lettuce boats, ranch salads, vegetable omelets)
Reduced Fat Mozzarella Cheese (pizza, buffalo chicken, twice baked potatoes)
Butter (to cook S breakfasts in)
Feta (For greek salads, and greek omelets)
Eggs (I feed a family of 4 and I buy 2 packages of 18 eggs.)
Parmesan Cheese (pizza crust)
Cream Cheese (Chicken and mushroom dish)
Almond Milk (baked oatmeal, chicken and mushroom dish)
Plain Greek Yogurt (Sides for many breakfasts. I buy a large container.)
Reduced fat cottage cheese (THM pancakes)
Low Fat Laughing Cow Cheese (to replace butter on Ezekiel bread toast)


Ezekiel bread (one loaf lasts me for quite some time. I freeze it and pop them into the toaster frozen


Ground Turkey (tacos, Chili)
Chicken Breast (spinach salad topping, with the plain sweet potato, ceasar salad, buffalo chicken, stirfry, chicken and mushroom dish)
Lean Turkey Pepperoni (Pizza)
Lean Deli Meat (I like turkey but you can choose any fat free or very low fat deli meat)
Bacon (Lettuce boats, ceasar salad, many breakfasts)

Breakfast Aisle

Old Fashion Oatmeal (baked oatmeal)
Sugar Free Maple Syrup 
Green Tea (and/or coffee if you are a coffee drinker)


Chili powder (Chili, taco meat)
Cumin powder (Chili, taco meat)
Italian Seasoning (pizza crust, chicken and mushroom dish)
Cinnamon (good girl moonshine)
Spicy Pepper Medley (I season my chicken breast with this when I am topping a salad with chicken)

Salad Dressings

Ranch Dressing 
Greek Dressing
Ceasar Dressing

Canned Goods and Misc. Items

Kidney Beans (chili)
Tomato Sauce (chili)
Diced Tomatoes (chili)
Salsa (taco meat, taco topping)
Jalapenos (tacos)
Black Olives (Greek salads and omelets)
Mayo (sandwiches) 
Brown Rice (side dish)
Frank Red Hot Sauce (buffalo chicken, taco topping)
Lemon Juice (Guacamole, and for use in most homemade salad dressings)

Cheese Cloth

One Week Menu Plan

One Week Menu Plan

7 Dinners

1) Provolone hard shell tacos, spicy ground turkey, sour cream, jalapenos, lettuce, tomato, guacamole, green onions.
2) Twice baked Mexican Sweet Potatoes, Garden Ranch Salad
3) Buffalo Chicken Breast, Greek Salad
4) Cauliflower Crust Pizza, loaded with veggies, turkey pepperoni and mozzarella.
5) Chili, Caesar Salad
6) Sweet and Spicy Chicken Stir-Fry with Brown Rice
7) Creamy Chicken and Mushroom Casserole, Fried Broccoli, (Rice for my kids), Salad

Lunches (I usually eat the same thing 2-3 times a week)
1) Lean deli meat in romaine lettuce boats with mayo, cheese, bacon, avocado, tomato, onion x3, good girl moonshine
2) Chicken Caesar Salad, Good Girl Moonshine
3) Provolone hard taco with lean deli meat, shredded lettuce, grated mozzarella, tomato, onion and bacon x3
4) Spinach and Orange salad topped with Chicken and brown rice.
5) Lean deli meat in romaine lettuce boats with mayo, cheese, bacon, avocado, tomoato and onion x3
6) One med. Baked Sweet Potato, reduced fat sour cream, Chicken Breast with Pepper Medley, cucumber slices with vinegar salt and pepper, Good girl moonshine
7) Chicken Caesar Salad, Good girl moonshine.

Breakfasts (I often eat the same breakfast 2-3 times a week)
1) Greek Omelet, bacon, berries, green tea or coffee.
2) Baked Banana Oatmeal, topped with plain greek yogurt and mixed fresh berries, green tea.
3)THM pancakes, topped with greek yogurt and mixed fresh berries, drizzled with sugar free syrup.
4) Egg white omelet with mushrooms and onion, a sprinkle of reduced fat cheese, 2 slices of Ezekiel bread spread with laughing cow cheese and topped with slices of 1 cocktail tomato. Green tea.
5) Baked Banana Oatmeal, topped with plain greek yogurt and mixed fresh berries, green tea.
6) THM pancakes, topped with greek yogurt and mixed fresh berries, drizzled with sugar free syrup.
7)  Scrambled eggs, bacon, berries and tea or coffee.

Menu Planning

Menu Planning - Some people love it, some people find it intimidating. As with most things in my life, I found a fast, easy and flexible way of doing menu plans.

Some people find making charts, and graphs and adhering strictly to their meal plan is very useful. For people like me, it is too restricting and it would be setting myself up to fail. That being said, I have tried making no menu plan at all and proved that this will end in a train wreck too.

So here it is... Stacie's fun and flexible way to menu plan!

1) My first step is get a pen and two pieces of paper and my laptop. At the top of one paper, I write: Wish List. On the other, I write: Grocery List.

2)  I open up Pinterest on my computer. On my Pinterest page, I have two THM boards. One is called "THM Recipes I've Tried" and the other is called "THM Recipes To Try". These boards are like being at a THM restaurant with a menu that has all the things that look drool worthy to me! Click here to see my boards.

3) I start making a "Wish List" on my note pad. I write down 7 dinners that I would look forward to eating that week. I click on each link and write down the ingredients I would need on my grocery list.  I know what I have on hand already, so I just write down those items that I don't have. I try to make a nice balance between S and E dinners. I try to include some easy meals or crockpot meals for the days that are crazy busy. I also include recipes that take more preparation and time for the days that I am feeling relaxed and adventurous in the kitchen.

4) I do the same thing with Lunches. I will often eat the same lunch 2-3 times a week, so I usually pick only 3-4 recipes but buy enough ingredients to make it a few times.

5) For S breakfasts, I love my bacon, eggs (scrambled, hard boiled, omelet), tea and berries. So I make sure that I have enough of those ingredients. For E breakfasts, I usually have baked oatmeal, plain yogurt, berries and tea. I add the ingredients I need to my grocery list.

6) I know this is an extra step, and if you have a great memory you can leave your list as is. For me, I like to re-write the list in order of how I would walk around the grocery store. Fresh Produce, Deli, Bread, Dairy, Meat, Breakfast Aisle, Baking Aisle, etc. It only takes moments to do, but it saves me from back tracking, forgetting items or feeling like my head is about to spin off my shoulders while I am shopping!

4) I stick my "Wish List" of Dinners and Lunches on my fridge, and I tuck my grocery list into my purse.

5) Once my fridge, cupboards and pantry are filled back up again, it's easy to stay on plan! Just before meal time, go to your Wish List and decide what you feel like having from your dream menu. The whole list is made up of foods you can't wait to eat! Try to have at least one meal per day in an E setting.

6) If you know you have a busy day coming up, pop something in the crock pot mid-morning or early afternoon. Nothing feels better than knowing your family is fed properly and with little effort from worn out Momma that evening!

Click here to see a Week sample Wish List and Grocery List.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

S - Scrambled Eggs, Bacon, Berries, Green Yogurt, Coffee and Cream

S Breakfast - Scrambled eggs, bacon, berries, greek yogurt, coffee and cream.

S Because:
1) There are less than 10g of carbs in this meal.
2) There are lots of healthy fats in this meal, which is fine in an S setting. (Bacon, yogurt, cream)
3) Liberal amounts of berries are great in an S setting. See the guideline below.
4) My sources of protein are my eggs, bacon and Greek yogurt.
5) To drink, I have coffee sweetened with stevia, and cream.

Berries are allowed in an S setting. You have three options. 1 cup of any berries except blueberries, OR 1/2 cup of blueberries OR if you want to mix blueberries with other berries, you can do half a portion of each - 1/2 cup of any berry + 1/4 cup of blueberries. I just eyeball it and take a guess. I don't think I'm going to get fat eating 1 too many blueberries! :D 

E - Rockin' Moroccan Stew

E Lunch - Rockin' Moroccan Stew. This is a Looney Spoons recipe that my husband LOVES! He requests it often. :D I started adding chopped chicken breast to up the protein.

E Because:
1)There are less than 5g of fat in this meal.
2) There are between 20-45g of carbs in this meal. (The sweet potatoes and chick peas make up most of my carb count)
3) My protein source is chicken breast, chick peas. 
4) There are lots of non-starchy veggies in this meal. 

5) To drink I have a tall glass of ice water. Make sure you are drinking LOTS! Er... of water that is. ;)

Rockin' Moroccan Stew
2  Tbsp olive oil
1  cup chopped onion
½ cup each  diced celery and green pepper
1  garlic clove, minced
3 cups vegetable broth
3 cups peeled cubed sweet potatoe
1 can tomatoes drained
1 can chick peas
1  tablespoon lemon juice
2 teaspoons grated ginger root
1 teaspoon each of  cumin, curry powder, coriander and chilli powder
½  teaspoon salt
¼  teaspoon pepper
¼ cup peanut butter
2 tablespoons fresh chopped cilantro

Heat olive oil in large frying pan on medium high heat. Add next 3 ingredients.  Cook for about 3 minutes, stirring occasionally, until onion is softened .

Add remaining  ingredients except peanut butter and cilantro. Bring to  boil. Reduce heatnto low and simmer covered for 20 minutes. Stir in peanut butter and cilantro. Mix well Simmer for 5 more minutes. Serve hot.

S - Chicken Cream Cheese Roll-Ups, Veggies, Cheese, Almonds, and Good Girl Moonshine

S Packed Lunch - Chicken roll-ups with cream cheese and dill pickle inside, veggies with cream cheese, almonds, cheese, raspberries and good girl moonshine.

S Because:
1) There are less than 10g of carbs in this meal.
2) There are lots of healthy fats in this meal, which is fine in an S setting. (Almonds, cheese, cream cheese)
3) There are non-starchy veggies in this meal.
4) My source of protein is the chicken.
5) To drink, I have good girl moonshine.

Berries are allowed in an S setting. You have three options. 1 cup of any berries except blueberries, OR 1/2 cup of blueberries OR if you want to mix blueberries with other berries, you can do half a portion of each - 1/2 cup of any berry + 1/4 cup of blueberries. I just eyeball it and take a guess. I don't think I'm going to get fat eating 1 too many blueberries! :D 

E -Baked Oatmeal Cookie Style Oatmeal, Mixed Berries, Greek Yogurt

E Breakfast - Baked Oatmeal Cookie style oatmeal, mixed berries, Greek yogurt, green tea.

E Because:
1)There are less than 5g of fat in this meal.
2) There are between 20-45g of carbs in this meal.
3) My protein source is my Greek yogurt
4) Liberal amounts of berries are fine in an E setting. One cup is the suggested serving size.

5) To drink I have, green tea sweetened with stevia.
6) I used some sugar-free maple syrup on top as well for a little treat. :D

E- THM Waffles, Berries, Sugar Free Syrup

E Breakfast - THM pancake batter made in a waffle iron, berries, and sugar free maple syrup, green tea.

E Because:
1)There are less than 5g of fat in this meal.
2) There are between 20-45g of carbs in this meal.
3) My protein source is my waffle. (There are tons of egg white in this recipe)
4) Liberal amounts of berries are fine in an E setting. One cup is the suggested serving size.

5) To drink I have, green tea. 

S - Greek Omelet, Bacon, Mixed Berries

S Breakfast - Greek omelet, Canadian bacon, mixed berries and green tea.

S Because:
1) There are less than 10g of carbs in this meal.
2) There are lots of healthy fats in this meal, which is fine in an S setting. (Feta cheese, bacon, olives)
3) There are non-starchy veggies in this meal, peppers, tomato, onions, and mushrooms.
4) My source of protein is Canadian bacon and eggs.
5) To drink, I have green tea. You could choose to have coffee with cream. 

Berries are allowed in an S setting. 

You have three options. 
  • 1 cup of any berries except blueberries
  • 1/2 cup of blueberries 
  • if you want to mix blueberries with other berries, you can do half a portion of each - 1/2 cup of any berry + 1/4 cup of blueberries.
  •  I just eyeball it and take a guess. I don't think I'm going to get fat eating 1 too many blueberries! :D 

S - Eggs with Mushroom Cream Sauce, Bacon and Berries

S Breakfast - Canadian bacon, berries, scrambled eggs with a mushroom cream sauce, green tea.

S Because:
1) There are less than 10g of carbs in this meal.
2) There are lots of healthy fats in this meal, which is fine in an S setting.
3) Berries are allowed in an S setting. You have three options. 1 cup of any berries except blueberries, OR 1/2 cup of blueberries OR if you want to mix blueberries with other berries, you can do half a portion of each - 1/2 cup of any berry + 1/4 cup of blueberries. I just eyeball it and take a guess. I don't think I'm going to get fat eating 1 too many blueberries! :D 
4) My sources of protein are my eggs and my Canadian bacon.

5) To drink, I have coffee sweetened with stevia and cream. 

S Dinner - Creamy Mushroom and Chicken Casserole, Greek salad and good girl moonshine

S Dinner - Creamy Mushroom and Chicken Casserole, Greek salad and good girl moonshine.

S Because:
1) There are less than 10g of carbs in this meal
2) There are lots of healthy fats in this meal, which is awesome in an S setting. (Creamy sauce, feta cheese)
3) There are lots of non-starchy vegetables in this meal.
4) Black olives are allowed in an S setting.
5) My protein source is my chicken breast.
6) Good girl moonshine goes with anything!

E- THM Crepe, Turkey and Veggie, Mixed Berries, Good Girl Moonshine

E Lunch - Trim Healthy Momma pancake recipe thinned out with almond milk to make a crepe, filled with lean turkey meat, lettuce, onion, tomato, one light laughing cow cheese, a dish of berries and some good girl moonshine.

E because:
1) There are less than 5g of fat in this meal.
2) There are between 20-45g of carbs in this meal.
3) There are non-starchy veggies in the crepe.
4) My protein sources are my crepe and the turkey.
5) Liberal amounts of berries are allowed in an E setting.
6) Good girl moonshine is good anytime!

E - Baked Banana Oatmeal, Greek Yogurt and Coffee

 E Breakfast - Baked Banana Oatmeal with greek yogurt and coffee.

E because:
1) There are less than 5g of fat in this meal.
2) There are between 20-45g of carbs in this meal.
3) My protein source is my Greek yogurt.
4) I have coffee with steavia, but no cream. I save the cream for my S breakfasts.
5) I would normally add some strawberries or raspberries to this meal, but I need to get groceries today! :D

Why I Love THM

Why I Love THM:

Ok ladies, settle in. I am about to convert you into a Trim Healthy Momma! Brace yourself! LOL!

First of all, the pounds are melting off my body at a rate and consistency that boggles my mind. And the best part is, I honestly don't really feel like I'm "dieting".

I had nearly given up on my lower abdomen shrinking in size. My C-section scar left a fold over that I was pretty sure was there for life. However, after only 2 1/2 months on plan, my belly is disappearing! My fold over is getting to be less and less. I am starting to have hope that my flat tummy is going to reveal itself soon! My breasts now stick out further than my belly and my waist line is back! My double chin has now become a single chin. I swear my younger, trimmer self is coming back as the fat melts off.

The book explains things in a simple and entertaining way. The concept of separating your fats and carbs is so simple that it's hard to believe. I pick up the book at least once a day to find a recipe, to check the guidelines again, or just to stay motivated.

I feel better, healthier and more energetic. When I eat off plan foods, like sugar, white flour or chips, my body lets me know that it is NOT impressed. I get dizzy, light headed, and I feel kind of sick to my stomach. This is coming from a woman who used to have 2 tbsp of sugar in her coffee and have 1-2 donuts with it just for fun. My body was used to the abuse. Now, eating that way is just not worth it. My body is so used to having healthy, life giving foods that it rebels at anything else. It proves to me again and again that the healthy THM style of eating is what my body craves.

And, yes my friend, you can eat full fat dishes and lose weight. The meals I eat are so delicious and satisfying! What a break from my old, low-fat-no-fat-no-taste-no-butter-no-bacon-no-flavor-no-cheese-no-no-no-diets! There are tons of THM recipes floating around Pinterest. (If you don't have an account on Pinterest, scurry over there right away! It's an invaluable tool!)

I get to eat until I am satisfied. Did you hear that?!? No more measuring, counting points, or walking away from a meal still hungry. Now, at first, I thought that meant it was a feeding frenzied free for all. I soon realized that I don't need to stuff myself like it were my last supper. I serve up a healthy portion sized meal and dig in! I get to eat every three hours. I no longer feel the need to indulge in seconds right away. I know that if I want more, I just need to wait three hours for my body to burn off the 1st helping. Three hours later, I can have another helping. Let me make sure you understand this part... I am not starving myself! In fact, I feel like I am eating more, and more often than before I started THM.  I barely have time to get hungry. I feel like I am eating - a lot and often!

It is so easy to THM-ify your favorite family recipes. I have also found ways to transform my favorite foods into "on plan" foods. (For example, tacos, pizza, BLT's, chocolate etc)

You can follow this plan with just normal, everyday, grocery store items. It's just a matter of learning what items need to be combined and what items need to be kept apart. (Again, carbs and fats.) Although the book offers up suggestions on how to make things with obscure ingredients, you will find that most of my meals don't use weird ingredients. I'm not that adventurous! Haha!

Ok, there you have it! That, in a nutshell, is why I <3 THM! :D

Monday, March 9, 2015

E - Ezekiel Bread with Roasted Chicken and Veggies

E Lunch - Ezekiel bread with lemon pepper chicken breast, tomatoes, onion, lettuce and low fat mayo. Garden salad with an on-plan E dressing.

E Because:
1) There are between 20-45g of carbs in this meal. (Bread)
2) There are less than 5g of fat. (Low fat mayo and low fat dressing)
3) There are lots of non-starchy veggies on my sandwich and in my salad
4) My protein source is my chicken breast.
5) I had a tall glass of ice water to drink.

E - Ezekiel Bread, Spinach, Egg White, Tomato, and Mixed Berries

E Breakfast - Ezekiel toast topped with light laughing cow cheese, spinach, scrambled egg white and tomato. Small dish of mixed berries. Green tea to sip.

E Because:
1) There are less than 5g of fat in this meal.
2) My source of protein is my egg whites
3) There are non-starchy veggies with the tomato and spinach.
4) 1 cup of berries is the suggested serving size for an E meal.
5) There are between 20-45g of carbs in this meal.
6) Green tea is a great hot drink for an E breakfast.

S - Roasted Chicken, Bocconcini Salad, and Steamed Vegetables with Cheese

S Dinner - Roasted Chicken Breast, Steamed Broccoli and Cauliflower with butter and cheese, Tomato and Bocconcini Salad with a 1/4 tsp of Balsamic Reduction.

S Because:
1) There are less than 10g of carbs in this meal.
2) My protein source is my chicken.
3) I used fats with the butter, and cheeses. That's ok, as long as I don't stack carbs on top!
4) There are lots of non-starchy veggies in the salad and side dish.
5) I had chicken as my lean protein, but with an S meal, you could choose any type of fattier meat.
6) A tall glass of ice water to drink. Try to drink at least 3 large glasses of water every day.

S - Caesar Salad with Shrimp and Good Girl Moonshine

S Lunch - Caesar Salad with Shrimp and Good Girl Moonshine.

S Because:
1) My lettuce is my non-starchy vegetable
2) My protein sources are my shrimp and bacon
3) There are less than 10g of carbs in this meal.
4) I used a full fat dressing, Parmesean cheese, and butter to fry the shrimp in for healthy fats
5) Good Girl Moonshine goes with everything.

S - Bacon Wrapped Chicken, Greek Salad and Good Girl Moonshine

S Lunch or Dinner - Bacon Wrapped Chicken, Greek Salad and Good Girl Moonshine

S Because:
1) My protein sources are the chicken and the bacon
2) I used a full fat salad dressing and feta cheese. That spells fat which means S! :D
3) There are lots of non-starchy veggies in the salad. (Lettuce, and tomatoes)
4) Olives are allowed in an S setting.
5) There are less than 10g of carbs in this meal.
6) Good Girl Moonshine goes with anything! :)

S - THM Cheeseburger Pie, Greek Salad and Good Girl Moonshine

S Lunch - Cheeseburger pie, greek salad, and good girl moonshine.

S Because:
1) There are less than 10g of carbs in this meal.
2) Full fat dairy in the cheeseburger pie and salad dressing are just fine for an S setting. As long as you are not mixing your fats and carbs, you are ok! :D
3) My protein source is the beef.
4) There are lots of non-starchy veggies in the salad.
5) A few black olives are allowed in an S setting.
6) Good girl moonshine because it goes with everything.

E - Twice Baked and Stuffed Mexican Sweet Potato, Garden Salad, Good Girl Moonshine

E Dinner - Twice baked sweet potato with Turkey Chili and fat free sour cream. Sprinkled with low fat mozzarella cheese. Garden salad with fat free dressing. GGMS to drink.

E Because:
1) This meal has less than 5g of fat.
2) Lots of non-starchy veggies in the garden salad
3) Sweet potato and black beans make this an E. (carbs)
4) Using low-fat sour cream and low fat dressing keeps me within my 5g of fat.
5) I can have a sprinkle of reduced fat mozzarella cheese in an E setting for some healthy fat. I don't go crazy with it though.
6) Good Girl Moonshine goes with anything. :)
7) My lean protein comes from the turkey in the chili and the beans.

E - Warm Sweet Potato, Chicken and Goat Cheese Salad, Good Girl Moonshine

Warm Sweet Potato, Chicken and Goat Cheese Salad, Good Girl Moonshine

E Because:
1) There are less than 45g of carbs in this meal.
2) There are less than 5g of fat. (The goat cheese is around 2g of fat.)
3) My lean meat is the chicken breast.
4) My lettuce counts towards my non-starchy vegetables.
5) GGMS to drink.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

E - Loaded Turkey Sandwich, Orange, Veggies and Water

E Lunch - Turkey sandwich on dark rye, 1 orange, pepper strips, small salad. This is a lunch I packed to take with me to a workshop.

E Because:
1) There are between 20-45g of carbs in this meal.
2) There is 5g of fat or less in this meal. (I used light laughing cow and reduced fat mayo on the sandwich to =4g of fat.)
3) There are lots of non-starchy veggies in this meal. Sandwich fillings, salad, and peppers.
4) 1 piece of fruit is the suggested serving of fruit with an E meal. E meals are the meals where you are allowed to pick what fruit you want. S meals, you need to stick to berries.
5) My main protein source is the turkey breast.
6) I had a bottle of water. It is recommended that you drink at least 3 large glasses of water everyday.

E - Turkey and Bean Chili, Garden Salad and Good Girl Moonshine

E Lunch - Turkey and bean chili, garden salad with plan approved dressing.

E because:
1) There are less than 5g of fat in this meal.
2) There are between 20-45g of carbs in this meal. (beans)
3) There are lots of non-starchy veggies in both the chili and the salad.
4) I had water to drink. We need to drink at least 3 large glasses of water everyday. (SO vital for weight loss!)
5) My main protein source is the turkey in the chili.
6) To keep the fat content low, I used fat free sour cream on my chili, and an e salad dressing that I found on Pinterest.

E - Open Faced Sandwich, Broccoli Seasoned with Pepper Medley, and "It's not Kool-Aide"

E Lunch - Open faced sandwich, broccoli seasoned with pepper medley, "It's not Kool-Aide" to drink.

E because:
1) I have between 20-45g of carbs in this meal. (Coming from my bread)
2) I have less than 5g of fat in this meal. I used only a sprinkle of reduced fat mozzarella on my sandwich.
3) There are lots of non-starchy vegetables, broccoli, tomato, onion and spinach.
4) My main source of protein is the lean turkey breast. (In an E meal, make sure that your meat is very lean. You don't want to stack fat on top of the carbs.)
5) I am drinking an "It's not Kool-aide" drink. I found the recipe on Pinterest and it taste amazing!
6) I didn't use any oil to cook the broccoli. I just put a hint of water in a frying pan, and "fried" the broccoli and pepper medley together until it was tender crisp.
7) I assembled the sandwiches, sprinkled with cheese and then put them under the broiler until the cheese was all melted and browned.

E - Ezekiel Bread Topped with Cottage Cheese, Cucumber and Green Onion, Tomato and Provolone Cheese

E Breakfast or Lunch - 2 slices of Ezekiel bread, fat free cottage cheese, cucumber, green onion, 1 cocktail tomato, 1/2 slice of provolone cheese, green tea.

E because:
1) My carbs are between 20-45 grams.
2) My fat is below 5gs. I used fat free cheese and only 5g of fat worth of provolone cheese.
3) I have some non-starchy veggies with my cucumber + tomato.
4) My main protein source is my cottage cheese. However, as some pointed out, I likely should have had some lean protein with this. (Turkey bacon or fat free turkey deli meat rolled up for example)
5) Green tea to drink. Remember that whatever drink you pair with an E meal needs to be fat free.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

E - Sweet potato, Cajun Dip, Loaded Turkey Salad

E Lunch - Acti-Fried Sweet Potato (uses only 1/2 tsp of oil to make these crispy little bits of yummy), salad with fat free turkey breast, and a sprinkle of reduced fat mozzarella cheese.

E Because:
1) There are less than 5g of fat in this meal. Tricked you didn't I? :D You saw cheese, and sour cream and thought it was an S right?!? Hahaha! It's fat free sour cream, and just a wee sprinkle of reduced fat mozzarella cheese on top.
2) There are between 20-45g of carbs in this meal. (One med sweet potato)
3) My protein source is my lean turkey breast.
4) My dressing is an E dressing that I made over a week ago. I cannot for the life of me remember what recipe it was. I'll go through my pins and see if I can find it.
5) I used cajun (sp?) seasoning to give the sour cream a "dippy" feel.
6) Lots of non-starchy veggies in my salad
7) A tall glass of water because I need to drink at least 3 of these a day.

E- Baked Banana Oatmeal, Greek Yogurt, Strawberries

E Breakfast - Baked banana oatmeal, greek yogurt, strawberries, green tea.

E Because:
1) There are less than 5g of fat in this meal.2) there are between 20 and 45g of carbsin this meal.3) My Greek yogurt is my protein source. (Although, I would have added some very lean Turkey bacon on the side if I had any left!) 4) Green tea is awesome in the morning!5) I can have liberal amounts of berries in an E setting. Suggested serving amount is 1 cup.* I split the recipe below with my husband this morning. :D

E - Egg White Scramble, Mixed Berries, Ezekiel Bread with Laughing Cow Cheese and Tomato Slices

E Breakfast - Egg white scramble with fat free cottage cheese and green onion, 2 slices of Ezekiel toast with 1 triangle of light laughing cow cheese and sliced tomatoes, mixed berries and green tea. (I should have added turkey bacon to this to up the protein count. Feel free to do this!)

E Because:
1) There are less than 5g of fat in this meal.
2) There is between 20-45g of carbs. (Ezekiel bread)
3) I used egg whites instead of whole eggs as outlined for an E meal.
4) There are some non-starchy veggies with tomatoes and onions.
5) Liberal amounts of berries are encouraged in an E meal. One cup is the suggested serving size.
6) My main protein source is the eggs, but I really should have added some turkey bacon to up the protein source.
7) I had green tea to drink, but you can have any fat free/sugar free hot drink you choose.

E - Veggie Egg White Omelet, Ezekiel Toast, Berries, Lean Turkey Bacon

E Breakfast - Veggie egg white omelet with a sprinkle of reduced fat mozzarella, 1 slice of Ezekiel toast with 1 tsp of butter, berries, fat free turkey bacon and green tea.

E Because:
1) There are less than 5g of fat in this meal. (1 tsp of butter and a sprinkle of reduced fat mozzarella)
2) There are above 20g but below 45g of carbs in this meal. I used sprouted bread called Ezekiel bread.
3) There are lots of non-starchy veggies in the omelet. (Tomato, red pepper, green pepper, spring onion)
4) My lean protein source is my turkey bacon.
5) I enjoy a cup of green tea with my breakfast, but you could have any fat free hot drink you choose.

FP - Protein Powder Crepes, Mixed Berries, Clementine

FP Breakfast - Protein powder crepes, mixed berries, clementine, green tea.

FP Because:
1) There are less than 5g of fat in this meal.
2) There are less than 10g of carbs in this meal.
3) It is high in protein because I used a full scoop of whey protein powder to make the crepes.
4) One piece of fruit (besides berries) is acceptable in an E setting.
5) You can eat liberal amounts of any berry in an E setting. The suggested serving amount is one cup.
6) Green tea in the morning just tastes great to me, but you can have any hot drink. (Just no cream or high fat content!) :)

Monday, March 2, 2015

S - Asiago Cheese Omelet, Bacon, Mixed Berries

S Breakfast - Asiago cheese omelet, bacon, 1 cup of berries, and green tea.

S Because:
1) There are less than 10g of carbs in this meal.
2) It is high in protein and fats.
3) Bacon is my mail protein source.
4) Berries are awesome with an S meal. The suggested  serving size is one cup. Only 1/2 of that cup should be made up of blueberries due to the higher sugar content in them.
5) I used whole eggs. In an E meal, I would have only used the egg whites.
6) I had green tea with my breakfast, but you could have coffee and cream instead if you wanted to.

S - Baked Egg Cups (page 221), Cottage Cheese with Berries, Bacon

S Breakfast - Baked Egg Cups (page 221), cottage cheese and raspberries, bacon and green tea.

S Because:
1) There are less than 10g of carbs in this meal.
2) I used whole eggs in these egg cups. (When I want to make these 'E' I use egg whites instead of the whole egg.)
3) I used full fat dairy, and didn't worry one bit about how much fat is in this meal. :D There is no limit. There is feta and a bit of cream in the eggs. That is also full fat cottage cheese with the raspberries.
4) My protein source is the bacon. Mmmm bacon...!
5) I can have up to one cup of berries with an S meal. (Only 1/2 of that cup can be made up of blueberries due to their higher sugar content.)
6) I had green tea with my breakfast but you could have coffee and cream instead if you wanted to.
7) There is no added sugar in this meal.

S - Scrambled Eggs with Cottage Cheese, Berry Whip, Bacon

S Breakfast - Scrambled eggs with cottage cheese, berry whip, bacon.

S Because:
1) I used whole eggs. If it were an E setting, I would only use the egg whites.
2) There are less than 10g of carbs in this meal.
3) The berry whip is made of cottage cheese and fresh berries. Both ingredients are acceptable in an S setting.
4) I had green tea with this meal, but you could choose to have coffee with cream instead if you wanted to.
5) My protein source is my bacon.
6) I fried the eggs in butter. Yum. Bring on the butter! :D

S - Baked Eggs, Mixed Berries, Canadian Bacon

S Breakfast - Baked eggs, mixed berries, Canadian bacon

S Because:
1) There are less than 10g of carbs in this meal.
2) Berries are an acceptable fruit for an S meal. One cup is the suggested portion, but blueberries can only make up 1/2 of the cup due to the higher sugar content in them.
3) I used whole eggs, which as great in an S setting. In an E setting I would only use the egg whites.
4) Canadian Bacon is my protein source. It is fatty, but that's ok in S meals because you don't need to count the fat content.
5) I had a cup of green tea with this, but you can have coffee with cream instead if you wanted to.

S - Bacon, Fried Eggs, Berries with Goat Cheese

S Breakfast - Bacon, Fried eggs, berries with goat cheese, green tea.

S Because:
1) There are less than 10g of carbs in this meal.
2) I used whole eggs which are great in an S setting. An E meal would only use egg whites.
3) Berries are great in an S setting. One cup is the suggested serving size and only 1/2 of that can be made up of blueberries. (Bllueberries have a higher sugar content, so you need to enjoy them in moderation.)
4) My protein source is my bacon. This is turkey bacon, but I also use regular bacon when I feel like it.
5) I don't need to worry a limit on the fat in an S setting. I used full fat goat cheese. Mmmm!
6) I had green tea, but you could have coffee and real cream instead.
7) There is no added sugar in this meal.

S - Scrambled Eggs with Cottage Cheese, Tomato and Provolone Cheese, Lean Bacon, Ezekiel Toast

S Breakfast - Whole eggs scrambled with cottage cheese, provolone cheese and tomatoes, fat free pork bacon, green tea and one slice of Ezekiel toast.

When I posted this on the Facebook THM Beginner board, the ladies there helped figure out that this meal was an S Helper. That is because of the Ezekiel bread. If you want to keep this a straight S meal, just omit the toast. For the sake of this post, let's just pretend that the toast is not in the picture! LOL!

1) There are less than 10g of carbs. (Pretending the toast is not there)
2) I used full fat dairy with the cottage cheese and the provolone. I fried the eggs in butter.
3) I have some non-starchy veggies with the tomatoes
4) My protein source is my bacon. This is a lean bacon, because I had some that needed to be eaten,  but feel free to use regular bacon.
5) There is no sugar in this meal.
6) I had green tea to drink because I love it, but you could have coffee with real cream in it if you wanted to.

S - Cheese and Veggie Omelet, Bacon, Cottage Cheese and Strawberries

Veggie and cheese omelet, 2 slices of bacon, full fat cottage cheese, strawberries and green tea.
S Because:
1) There are less than 10g of carbs in this meal.
2) I used full fat dairy sources, like cheese and cottage cheese
3) My protein source is bacon. With an S meal, you can use any cut of meat, even the fattier ones like bacon. If there are carbs in your breakfast meat, it is likely off plan, as carbs would be coming from fillers.
4) There is no sugar in my meal.
5) There are lots non-starchy veggies in the omelet. (Spinach, peppers, onions)
6) Berries are the acceptable fruit for an S meal. Keep it under 1 cup. Blueberries can only make up 1/5 of that cup. (Blueberries are higher in sugar.)
7) I could have had coffee with full fat cream, but instead I chose green tea.