Monday, March 2, 2015

S - Baked Eggs, Mixed Berries, Canadian Bacon

S Breakfast - Baked eggs, mixed berries, Canadian bacon

S Because:
1) There are less than 10g of carbs in this meal.
2) Berries are an acceptable fruit for an S meal. One cup is the suggested portion, but blueberries can only make up 1/2 of the cup due to the higher sugar content in them.
3) I used whole eggs, which as great in an S setting. In an E setting I would only use the egg whites.
4) Canadian Bacon is my protein source. It is fatty, but that's ok in S meals because you don't need to count the fat content.
5) I had a cup of green tea with this, but you can have coffee with cream instead if you wanted to.


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