Sunday, March 29, 2015

Grocery List

Grocery List to go with the One Week Menu Plan.

Please note that many of the items on this list are staples that you likely already have in your cupboard. I just didn't want to risk you getting half way through a recipe and be missing something as simple as lemon juice. Cross off items on this list that you already have.

Also, beside items that are used more than once, I will put which meal they go with to give you an idea of how much to buy.

I also buy reduced fat types of most dairy. I don't like the cost of buying both full fat for S meals and reduced fat for E meals. I used reduced fat for both S and E meals.

We eat a lot of chicken in this family as both my son and husband cannot digest red meat. If you would like to sub any S meals with beef or pork, feel free.

I use sugar free maple syrup sometimes. In the book, one sister uses it every  now and then. It is not something I would use more than once a week. If you are a purist, you can skip the syrup on your pancakes and just have the greek yogurt and berries.

Fresh Produce

Tomatoes (tacos, sandwiches, greek omelet, topping for Ezekiel bread)
Avocado (guacamole for tacos, inside the boat sandwiches)
Green Onion (tacos)
Sweet Potatoes (stuffed and baked, baked plain for a lunch)
Red Pepper (garden salad twice, greek salad, pizza, stirfry, greek omelet)
Cucumber (greek salad, ranch salad x2, with vinegar as a side dish)
Red Onion (garden salad, greek salad, pizza, stirfry, greek omelet)
Cauliflower (Pizza crust, stirfry)
Mushrooms (pizza topping, stirfry, chicken and mushroom dish, greek omelet, veggie omelet)
Broccoli (Stirfry, side dish)
Green Pepper (chili, greek omelet, pizza, garden salad, veggie omelet)
Sweet Onion (chili, veggie omelet)
Celery (Chili)
Spinach (orange and spinach salad, veggie omelet)
Ginger (one large hand sized piece for good girl moonshine concentrate
1 Large Navel Orange (Spinach salad)
Banana (1-2 for the baked oatmeal)
Berrries (I buy the largest size container of strawberries, two small packages of blue berries, and 1 small package of raspberries.)
 Iceberg Lettuce (tacos, garden ranch salads)
Romain Lettuce (Ceasar Salad, to make boats for sandwiches)


Provolone Cheese (hard taco shells for both taco's and as a sandwich shell)
Reduced Fat Sour Cream (tacos, served to dip your buffalo chicken in)
Reduced Fat Cheddar Cheese (tacos, lettuce boats, ranch salads, vegetable omelets)
Reduced Fat Mozzarella Cheese (pizza, buffalo chicken, twice baked potatoes)
Butter (to cook S breakfasts in)
Feta (For greek salads, and greek omelets)
Eggs (I feed a family of 4 and I buy 2 packages of 18 eggs.)
Parmesan Cheese (pizza crust)
Cream Cheese (Chicken and mushroom dish)
Almond Milk (baked oatmeal, chicken and mushroom dish)
Plain Greek Yogurt (Sides for many breakfasts. I buy a large container.)
Reduced fat cottage cheese (THM pancakes)
Low Fat Laughing Cow Cheese (to replace butter on Ezekiel bread toast)


Ezekiel bread (one loaf lasts me for quite some time. I freeze it and pop them into the toaster frozen


Ground Turkey (tacos, Chili)
Chicken Breast (spinach salad topping, with the plain sweet potato, ceasar salad, buffalo chicken, stirfry, chicken and mushroom dish)
Lean Turkey Pepperoni (Pizza)
Lean Deli Meat (I like turkey but you can choose any fat free or very low fat deli meat)
Bacon (Lettuce boats, ceasar salad, many breakfasts)

Breakfast Aisle

Old Fashion Oatmeal (baked oatmeal)
Sugar Free Maple Syrup 
Green Tea (and/or coffee if you are a coffee drinker)


Chili powder (Chili, taco meat)
Cumin powder (Chili, taco meat)
Italian Seasoning (pizza crust, chicken and mushroom dish)
Cinnamon (good girl moonshine)
Spicy Pepper Medley (I season my chicken breast with this when I am topping a salad with chicken)

Salad Dressings

Ranch Dressing 
Greek Dressing
Ceasar Dressing

Canned Goods and Misc. Items

Kidney Beans (chili)
Tomato Sauce (chili)
Diced Tomatoes (chili)
Salsa (taco meat, taco topping)
Jalapenos (tacos)
Black Olives (Greek salads and omelets)
Mayo (sandwiches) 
Brown Rice (side dish)
Frank Red Hot Sauce (buffalo chicken, taco topping)
Lemon Juice (Guacamole, and for use in most homemade salad dressings)

Cheese Cloth


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