Monday, March 2, 2015

S - Baked Egg Cups (page 221), Cottage Cheese with Berries, Bacon

S Breakfast - Baked Egg Cups (page 221), cottage cheese and raspberries, bacon and green tea.

S Because:
1) There are less than 10g of carbs in this meal.
2) I used whole eggs in these egg cups. (When I want to make these 'E' I use egg whites instead of the whole egg.)
3) I used full fat dairy, and didn't worry one bit about how much fat is in this meal. :D There is no limit. There is feta and a bit of cream in the eggs. That is also full fat cottage cheese with the raspberries.
4) My protein source is the bacon. Mmmm bacon...!
5) I can have up to one cup of berries with an S meal. (Only 1/2 of that cup can be made up of blueberries due to their higher sugar content.)
6) I had green tea with my breakfast but you could have coffee and cream instead if you wanted to.
7) There is no added sugar in this meal.


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